Meet Our Staff

Candice Bicondoa
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2022
Family: Oldest of three children, two nieces, one nephew
Teaching Experience: 1st, 4th, 5th
Hobbies: Reading, traveling, being out in God’s creation (parks, zoos), spending time with family
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
What brings you joy?
Being part of the lives of students and families as we work together. It is a joy to create a safe space for kids to feel loved and know they are loved by our Lord.

Karen Gorentz
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2025
Family: Husband Jon and kids Jaden, Kaylin & Kiersten
Hobbies: Baking, Cooking, Helping at Church and with LWML
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 23
What brings you joy?
​Working with others to achieve one common goal, seeing the kids succeed and be passionate about their interests, and helping others.​​​​​​​
Teaching Staff:

Justine Guck
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2021
Family: Husband, two children, and two dogs
Teaching Experience: Preschool
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:8
What brings you joy?
The children!

Kari Dahlgren
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2024
Teaching Experience:
Favorite Bible Verse:
What brings you joy?

1st Grade
ReNae Tangen
Year started at St. Paul’s: 1994
Family: Husband and three children
Teaching Experience: K-6th
Hobbies: Reading, music, gardening, doing puzzles
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
What brings you joy?
I find joy in seeing how much growth each student experiences from the beginning of the year to the end. I also find joy in working as a team with a great staff!

2nd Grade
Brooke Adamczyk
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2019
Family: Husband and three children
Teaching Experience: 2nd
Hobbies: Fishing, spending time with family, board games, watching movies, watching boys play sports
Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9
What brings you joy?
God’s gift of children. Watching them grow throughout the year. Being there for their good and bad times. The joy they bring to everyone and all the hugs.

3rd Grade
Jolene Wagner
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2016
Family: Husband, four children, and grandchildren
Teaching Experience: Preschool-8th grade
Hobbies: Crafts, reading, shopping
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10
What brings you joy?
The joy of introducing new ideas, concepts and skills, and seeing the students become excited about learning. My joy comes from the Lord, for He has called me into the teaching ministry!

4th Grade
McKenzie Schimtz
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2021
Family: Husband and two children
Teaching Experience: PreK, 3rd, 4th, 6th
Hobbies: Reading, camping, fishing, spending time with family
Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16
What brings you joy?
Watching students make connections, the “ah-ha” moment when something clicks, and seeing the growth over the year.

5th Grade
Mary Spencer
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2018
Family: Husband and two children
Teaching Experience: 2nd- 6th grade
Hobbies: Reading, puzzles, gaming (electronic and board), walking, and traveling
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10
What brings you joy?
Seeing kids have an AHA! Moment when they understand something for the first time.

6th-8th Grade
Shari Brown
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2011
Family: Husband and four children
Teaching Experience: Kindergarten, 3rd-7th grade, Special Education (all grades)
Hobbies: Gardening, playing piano, reading, crocheting, spending time with family
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10
What brings you joy?
Making personal connections and establishing relationships with students brings me joy. I try to find at least one thing with which to make a personal connection with them.

Angie Ratcliffe
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2019
Family: Husband and three children
Teaching Experience: Music PreK-adults, choir, band
Hobbies: Gardening, cheering on the Green Bay Packers
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:28
What brings you joy?
I consider it a joyful privilege to guide my students in learning to sing praise to our God. I love to bring the joy of music to each child, build foundational musical skills and watch each student grow throughout the years in my class.

Teachers' Aide
Deb Meyer
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2022
Family: Husband and two children
Teaching Experience: K-6th, High school
Hobbies: Wood carving, wool felting, punch needlework and watching grandkids play in sports.
Favorite Bible Verse: Malachi 3:10
What brings you joy?
I love to see the “light bulb come on” and I always tried to make learning fun.

Teachers' Aide
Deanna Moenkedick
Year started at St. Paul’s: 2024
Family: Youngest of 6
Teaching Experience:
Hobbies: Traveling, Golfing, Being on the Lake
Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16
What brings you joy?
Watching the children grow and connecting with them.
Support Staff:

Director of Christian Education (DCE)
Christopher Brown
Christopher Brown has been at St. Paul's since August of 1999 as director of Youth & Family Ministry.
Christopher grew up in Park Rapids Minnesota where he attended St. John's Lutheran Church and graduated from Park Rapids High School. He then attended Concordia College in Moorhead and graduated in 1996 with a degree in Child & Family Studies with an emphasis in Parent Education. In 2013, Christopher completed DCE certification through Concordia University St. Paul and is now called as Director of Christian Education (DCE) to St. Paul's in Perham.
Christopher and his wife Shari have been blessed with 4 boys: Isaac, Jackson, Peter, and Samuel, and enjoy the busy life raising four boys can bring. Christopher personally enjoys hunting and fishing, sports card collecting, music, and reading.

Andrew Ratcliffe
Pastor Ratcliffe (PR) moved to Perham with his family in the Spring of 2018. As a product of Lutheran education himself, he is very excited about the school ministry of St. Paul’s. PR previously served at St. Paul’s in Sac City, IA and St. John in Seward, NE. His wife, Angie, teaches music, and one of his two kids is school-age and enrolled in kindergarten. While his primary role involves ministry at the church, he leads weekly chapel for preschool, leads chapel once a month for the elementary school, and periodically teaches religion in the upper grades. PR is a pastor’s kid from Kansas City, MO. He is a Cheesehead (in Viking territory). He plays the guitar, loves the Minnesota snow, and is always excited to talk about Jesus!